Bring Your Stories to Life 2025
Emerson College UK
4 weekends of in-depth exploration of the magical and transformative art of telling personal true-life stories.
Weekend One: Fri 12th Sept – Sun 14th Sept 2025
Weekend Two: Fri 10th Oct – Sun 12th Oct 2025
Weekend Three: Fri 7th Nov – Sun 9th Nov 2025
Weekend Four: Fri 5th Dec – Sun 16th Dec 2025
4 weekends of in-depth exploration of the magical and transformative art of telling personal true-life stories.
Our life is a unique story, a true Once upon a time adventure of a striving heroine or hero, facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, falling in and out of love and experiencing loss, triumphs and transformation as you follow an invisible storyline that reveals itself from day to day.
If you hear a calling to honour your journey and celebrate the real stuff life and all good stories are made of, you are warmly invited to join us and Bring your stories to Life!
On this course, in a fun and encouraging atmosphere, we will explore together methods of unlocking memories, sourcing meaningful experiences from the treasure chest of our personal biography and transforming them into fascinating stories, gifts for ourselves and all those around us.
You will find how to use your authentic voice and presence to serve the call of your unique story. We will learn storytelling techniques and how to shape and craft these stories artistically, so that what is personal to us touches something universal in our listeners revealing what being human is truly about.
Working creatively with our perception, understanding, and interpretation of personal experiences, we will open doorways for finding fresh meaning in past experiences and seeing our present story as full of potential and possibilities.
By the end of the course you will know how to use an effective process of crafting, transforming and polishing the raw pearls and raw diamonds of memories into the shining invaluable gifts of precious gem stories and will have the required skills to apply the process to any story you wish to tell and any audience of listeners.
Places are limited to 16 participants - book early to secure your place!
Tuition Fee inclusive of all four weekends: £1180 ( £1130 if paid in full in advance.)
Accommodation and meals if needed can be booked directly with Emerson College.
'My dream is to help young people find and tell the stories of their lives, I was thrilled to learn of this course and as I knew it would be popular I signed up 12 long moths in advance - but it was definitely worth the wait.My hope was that we would be given lots of tools and techniques so we would be able to craft powerful personal stories and tell them in an engaging way. And the well thought-through, structured nature of the course certainly delivered both of these. But what I didn’t expect was the atmosphere of reassurance, encouragement and confidence that was generated within the group, largely thanks to our facilitator Roi’s generosity of spirit and storytelling expertise. Not only Roi is an exceptional storyteller and teacher, but his Humanity, insight, compassion and how he honours people is both rare and precious.
The four weekends provided a perfect balance of tuition, discussion, practise and coaching through which I saw my own storytelling skills, and those of my fellow students come on leaps and bounds.
(Ravi Khanna)
This was a magical and enchanted time together, where I feel everyone made strides forward in themselves and their ability to tell stories. There was an amazing spirit between us as a group-a spirit of love, connection and support. A very special time when we broke through personal limitations and reached a rare degree of communion between us. Our stories came alive -became real as we shared them with each other and with the whole group .Thank you for such a brilliant time! The magic of story is growing within me and being expressed more and more into the “sea of stories”
(Rod Sugden)
“Profound. Not only did I get a much greater insight into the ingredients and craft of great story-telling, but I also received an opportunity to find and express parts of myself I had not done so before. I’d always felt very afraid of and inept when it came to story-telling – this course changed that. I have both the confidence and tools to both share my own stories, AND to help others share theirs”.( Edward Nelson, 2020 Participant)
“This work blew my mind from the first two hours. Expertly, lovingly led into a deep world beyond words. There is a mystical power in stories and therefore in every single one of us. If you have a need for a new narrative on life circumstances, a desire to share a moment, or to bathe in the delights and depths of others, this is a course for you. Wow. So so so much more than I ever realized. I am transforming every moment here”. (Megan Fitter)
“This course was one of the most inspiring things in my life!. It is the safest place to share thanks to Roi’s sensitive and insightful teaching”. ( Katie Hellon)
'This course was everything I hoped it would be, and so much more…A safe, profound, fun, creative space was held by Roi and supported by the wonderful group. There was a fantastic balance of discussion/reflection, techniques and exercises, performing and feedback. Voice and movement, smaller groups and ensembles. I am deeply grateful I was here and I’d do this course again in a heartbeat and would highly recommend it. It’s been one of life’s true gifts that I will always treasure!' (Claire Kaplan)